
Here to Support You

California Licensed & Nationally Certified Speech-Language Pathologist


What is Executive Functioning?

Executive functioning is a set of skills we use to manage everyday tasks. They allow us to plan ahead, problem solve, and meet future goals. While there is not one standard definition, skills such as self regulation, planning, organization, cognitive flexibility, and maintaining attention are often included.

Analogies such as the management system of the brain or that of an air traffic controller are often used to describe how executive functions operate. To effectively use these skills we have to prioritize tasks, filter distractions, and regulate our impulses to be able to accomplish our goals.

What is Social Communication?

Social communication is our ability to use a variety of skills to successfully interact with others on a variety of levels. For individuals with strong verbal skills, the focus lies on how we perceive, interpret, remember, and use information about other people in social situations (also known as social cognition).

These skills are also important in judging our own behavior (also known as metacognition). The goal is to understand the “why” behind social interactions to be better equipped when engaging with others. Social communication is key to navigating classroom expectations, the workplace, conflict management, and peer or romantic relationships.

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How do I Help:

Social communication and executive functioning are closely intertwined with research showing that often individuals have difficulty with both. Executive functioning skills impact our not only ability to complete daily tasks but also to successfully communicate in a prosocial manner. For some individuals, especially those who are highly intellectual and verbal, difficulties with social communication may be more subtle, but just as impactful. These individuals may come across as annoying or unaware as their communication is not always collaborative. My unique experience and training allows for individuals to gain knowledge and strategies to see significant improvement in not only managing daily life tasks but also their interpersonal relationships. Executive Functioning and Social Communication sessions are beneficial for all ages!

My approach is not diagnosis specific (e.g., Autism, ADHD, Anxiety, Social Communication Disorder, etc.) or standardized goal driven. In fact, a diagnosis is not even required! I have the flexibility to develop a plan of support prioritizing the needs of each individual client to foster the best possible outcome. The goal is to adapt and tailor sessions to be as functional as possible for each client. This means tackling everyday, real life tasks while using new strategies for renewed success!

Combined with my years of experience, evidence-based interventions including strategies from world renowned programs such as Michelle Garcia Winner’s Social Thinking (™) methodology, Sarah Ward’s 360 Method, and Tera Sumpter’s Seeds of Learning ® are uniquely tailored for each client or group.

Process Includes:

  • Comprehensive Speech & Language Assessment
  • Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE)
  • Consultations
  • Individual or Group Sessions
  • Workshops for parents and/or allied professionals

Ready to get started?


Take a look around the website, read over the FAQs, and discover how I can support you.


Schedule a FREE consultation to ask any questions and share your concerns and goals.

Get Results

Find a time to meet 1:1 or join a group, fill out some paperwork and let’s get started!

Schedule a FREE consultation today. Virtual services are available throughout California, with in-person options in San Diego.

ASHA-Logo, Executive Functioning, Social Communication Support
Social-Thinking-Logo, Executive Functioning, Social Communication Support
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Seeds-of-Learning-Logo, Executive Functioning, Social Communication Support